Tuesday, November 18, 2008

my puppy's camwhore

This is my she is a female cute ryte???haha!!! but she is naughty now,let me introduce u to her 'Hi! i m joe. how do u do??i juz wake up from sleep..zzz' 'My eyes is so heavy now...but i can feel someone shaking me when i felt a sleep...' 'omg...i saw a white sony cyber shot camera in front of me...say cheese.........=p' 'm i cute???haha...i think dat too u noe...but everyone say me naughty.i m not la..i m juz choice!!!' 'LOL.this pic make my hand look so bamboo only.anyway,nice to meet u all...hehe.we'll meet again nex time @@@ Like it? wana hav it? haha......

Monday, November 17, 2008

wat bout me???

Mayb juz wana be a joker or anything so put up the poll juz 4 fun in But dis make so many ppl beh song...i oso dunno y!!!! When someone did something like tht to me dat one care bout me.No one kesian me ...they juz ditch me...den now,i did tht to their fren,they dulan!!!!n say i act n stuff...n say if other ppl do tht to me i'll not be happy.Definetely,I M NOT HAPPY AT ALL!!!!but hu cares bout me????wat the hell.......

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


~~儿时,小男孩家很穷,吃饭时,饭常常不够吃,母亲就把自己碗里的饭分给孩子吃。母亲说,孩子们,快吃吧,我不饿!――母亲撒的第一个谎 男孩长身体的时候,勤劳的母亲常用周日休息时间去县郊农村河沟里捞些鱼来给孩子们补钙。鱼很好吃,鱼汤也很鲜。孩子们吃鱼的时候,母亲就在一旁啃鱼骨头,用舌头舔鱼骨头上的肉渍。男孩心疼,就把自己碗里的鱼夹到母亲碗里,请母亲吃鱼。母亲不吃,母亲又用筷子把鱼夹回男孩的碗里。母亲说,孩子,快吃吧,我不爱吃鱼!――母亲撒的第二个谎。 上初中了,为了缴够男孩和哥姐的学费,当缝纫工的母亲就去居委会领些火柴盒拿回家来,晚上糊了挣点分分钱补点家用。有个冬天,男孩半夜醒来,看到母亲还躬着身子在油灯下糊火柴盒。男孩说,母亲,睡了吧,明早您还要上班呢。母亲笑笑,说,孩子,快睡吧,我不困!――母亲撒的第三个谎 高考那年,母亲请了假天天站在考点门口为参加高考的男孩助阵。时逢盛夏,烈日当头,固执的母亲在烈日下一站就是几个小时。考试结束的铃声响了,母亲迎上去递过一杯用罐头瓶泡好的浓茶叮嘱孩子喝了,茶亦浓,情更浓。望着母亲干裂的嘴唇和满头的汗珠,男孩将手中的罐头瓶反递过去请母亲喝。母亲说,孩子,快喝吧,我不渴!――母亲撒的第四个谎。 父亲病逝之后,母亲又当爹又当娘,靠着自己在缝纫社里那点微薄收入含辛茹苦拉扯着几个孩子,供他们念书,日子过得苦不堪言。胡同路口电线杆下修表的李叔叔知道后,大事小事就找岔过来打个帮手,搬搬煤,挑挑水,送些钱粮来帮补男孩的家里。人非草木,孰能无情。左邻右舍对此看在眼里,记在心里,都劝母亲再嫁,何必苦了自己。然而母亲多年来却守身如玉,始终不嫁,别人再劝,母亲也断然不听,母亲说,我不爱!――母亲撒的第五个谎 男孩和她的哥姐大学毕业参加工作后,下了岗的母亲就在附近农贸市场摆了个小摊维持生活。身在外地工作的孩子们知道后就常常寄钱回来补贴母亲,母亲坚决不要,并将钱退了回去。母亲说,我有钱!――母亲撒的第六个谎 男孩留校任教两年,后又考取了美国一所名牌大学的博士生,毕业后留在美国一家科研机构工作,待遇相当丰厚,条件好了,身在异国的男孩想把母亲接来享享清福却被老人回绝了。母亲说,我不习惯!――母亲撒的第七个谎 晚年,母亲患了胃癌,住进了医院,远在大西洋彼岸的男孩乘飞机赶回来时,术后的母亲已是奄奄一息了。母亲老了,望着被病魔折磨得死去活来的母亲,男孩悲痛欲绝,潸然泪下。母亲却说,孩子,别哭,我不疼。――母亲撒的第八个谎 不论你多富有,不管你官多大,到什么时候也离不开咱的妈....愿天下父母平安度春秋....... 珍惜母亲的每一个谎言,好好的对待父母,很多东西,失去后才得来的珍贵代价太大.所以一定要好好的爱我们的父母~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 如果我還一直深愛著你...你是否還會待在我身邊? 如果我還一直在乎著你...你是否會再多看我一眼? 是否我已不存在了...你才感覺的到我的離開? 是否我已離開了....你才感覺的到我對你的好? 在此祝福全天下父母平安度春秋~~

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I hate u

still remember,dat day,if no mistaken,27 of october~6.32pm...u told me u still love me...den u say wan be wif me...I of course will accept...but u request dun let others noe...I agreed but asked u y?...dat time was still in exam...I asked u to think a reason 1st...n 7 November,u told me,dunwan couple d...coz u actually dun love me at all...u said u dat day juz lied to me...coz u dunwan to lost a fren like me...wat the hell!!!dats u?was dat reali u?unprecedented behaviour...pretty lie I muz say...willing to lie to me...funny to make dis joke...nice joke indeed...frostjokerz should add a new member...perharps sub the one u see me as ur fren?...I reali hate u now!!!...i hate u i hate u!!!! hate as u can imagine...suddenly 1st time in my life feel so angry...feel so dissapointed to u...juz wan slap u on the face...or mayb punch u...even kick u...u better watch out...the world's biggest come i will love u??...havent got a clue...u reali upset me...y I still love u?...cant stand it...y?somebody tell me y pls!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008


离别就是别离,别离就是离别。(回文修辞手法) 悄悄的我走了,正如我悄悄的来,我挥一挥衣袖,不带走一片云彩。 假期快到了,应该会很开心,还是很闷呢?不知道,真的不知道叻。 嗨,过去的事,无法挽留。天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期!! 假期快乐~ 安

Monday, September 29, 2008



Saturday, September 27, 2008

guess wat??!!???

september 23 is a special day...let guess wat day is it....haha!!!! it is................................................................................................................... our so call 'professor'-Keng Han's birthday...den, our class go mad bout dis...everyone remember his birthday!!!UNBELIEVEBLE!!!we sang song 4 him...oh sorry,is songssssss 4 keng han!!! during bm period...we sang once after tht during geo...we sang norhayati look so damn piss at us!!!!!hahhahahaha sorry la teacher~during math...i think we sang 1,2,3...sorry lost count!!! a lot a lot alot a lot lah....... lastly,wana say again-HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO KENG HAN...*cough cough***

guess wat??!!!?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

no matter wat you've done,i will still love you...

i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you...chee wai No matter wat's your choice...i will still love you...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Cousin bro's Wedding

Photo Flipbook Slideshow Maker - Photo Flipbooks"> - Photo Flipbooks" border="0" alt="" /> tht day is my cousin bro's BIG day!!!here's some pic of us in the wedding dinner n oso in the house...hope my cousin bro n oso 'dai sou' live happily ever after lol!!!!feel so happy...y???coz can get 1 more 'ang pau' during chinese new year mah***=.='' I m juz wandering-when will it be my turn ???? tooo EARLY la!!!


Finally someone view my blog...haha!!!hey guys,give me ur link if u wan me to link u ya..=p boring n tired dis few days...went 4 a sound recording juz now....stand 4 5 hours there!!!(is 4 chinese new year)lol@@ OMG,damn tired la my can volunteer to massage 4 me leh????sobT.T made some big decision last week: 1st,decided to read twilight..i noe i m toooo out-dated but no time mah!!!2nd,decided to study hard 4 final exam...maybe it is too early =p 3rd,dis is a very very big decision...i decided to giv him a chance n oso give myself a chance....hahaha finally miracles happen!!!!so now,i have a old bean(mean father in cantonese)-tht is sean n oso a 'sis'- chee wai's bro,chee fai's gf-ying yin hu is 3 months smaller than me...swt=.='' anyway,now i noe miracle could happen...i wun let go so easyly dis time...becareful ya!!!hehehehehehe =p

Sunday, August 31, 2008


this is d 1st time ever i on9 so early.... here,i would like to thx matthew 4 helping me to link my frenz...n of coz***my chtbox........haha!!!matt,thx a lot =p

wat a day~

sob~i noe my blog is time to update la n dunno wat to post oso..anyway,thx matt 4 posting 1 post 4 me(although is a very very very lame post) hahahaha =p this few days,not quite in a good mood. I m so sorry 2 keng han,i m not angry wit u...juz emoing mah,feel like scolding ppl no nid come to me n menasihat me to be a 'GOOD' girl*** in 1 week, i've read 4 books (frm pei hui) n now is the fifth 1-'mao yen' means cat's eyes....sounds scary ryte???but i haven finish reading.Hope it will be nice...=) I realise: every friday is a big day very very BIG DAY!!!y i said so???coz every friday,there surely will happen smtg undescribeble n unbelieveble!!!etc.i got a love letter last friday...n~i cried coz of the letter on tht friday....n***my phone key pad Crack last friday!!!OMG,damn sad la...kesiannya,my phone...sigh~ to you: sometimes i wil glad i m here n meet u,i feel glad n pleased n happy...but...sometimes i feel i m in the wrong place at the wrong time n meet the wrong person...if nt me...u won b'come like dat...m i ryte???wats the meaning of life?i though i got it...but i dun...i dunno i m sad or happy now!!!u always say dat life is exciting,happy n beautiful...i wun say tht u r wrong or correct,but i hope u dun always hide ur feelings in ur heart....pls dun... **i dun believe in miracles...i believe it too much last dat is y i get hurt so much...** lastly i hope...u dun go~dun leave me....n of coz,no 1 wish u go =) from: Me =p

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Hari Kemerdekaan Ke-51

2molo is hari kemerdekaan ke-51.Duno wan to count down anot.But dun feel like want to do dat la...I too free izzit??Free enough to come and help Yin to post...nvm la...Musketeers oways willing to help others.See her Achievement juz gt 17 posts...then juz add 1 lo... 51 years ago,Malaysia finally formed a country on ownself.No more was tough and hard to achieve that,heard all orang tua said. Anyway,wish Malaysia happy birthday ya~~ ~TMNT~

Sunday, August 17, 2008

happy holidays!!!!!!!

dat day we went out 4 dinner den i took dis pic.... my dad!!!!haha...1st time ever he smile so lifely n naturally.... hey dad,you roxx!!! that is my sis...yeah!!!matthew can fight wit u ryte????haha=p got back my results d lol....except science, geografi n sivik... chinese-90 bm-94 sej-90 math-90 english-98 kh-85 i can go buy toto n magnum...3 90 wei...can buy 3390,9090,9033 or watever n 1 big 1 small ryte??swt la....haha!!!! pei hui borrow us some books...hehe!!!i borrow two..rajin mah!!!but pei hui say i,pei hui,i where got tamak???u selfish only lah!!!hahahaha=p wana c twilight n new can borrow me la????sob=.= HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!

all d kaisus.....=p

sorry 4 sosososososo long never update blog. aiyo,exam mah!!!or maybe to say...a test only a test..... but i dunno y???2 matahari so kiasu de...after the day teacher announce there will be a test...everyone started reading books...geografi,sejarah,science......OMG!y so kiasu?????excuse me,we r only form 2 la!!!!!enjoy 1st la!!!like us-me,wen qi,yi ting n li yen...we shout n yell in class...haha!!!!tell u all a secret~we eat in class...hehe=p shh~ dun tell anyone ya...jeffrey very du lan us be'coz we eat!!!hahahahaha. Sorry lo,jeffrey!!!y so serious???? at last we break up d lol...haihz~ honestly,he hurts me a lot la... maybe now he still love me or maybe dun...i oso dun care d la!!! i wana cheer up...n not being sad be'coz of him anymore... I belive ~ THERE IS TIME FOR EVERYTHING ~

me wit my short hair...XD!!!=p

the black thingy beside is my sis hair la...bloking... me!!!

dat day jie wana take pic 4 her company....unfortunately,her camera no batery liao....
so,i became photographer n took pic 4 my sis...after tht,i took some pic too!!!hehe =p
look at all those pic...haha!!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

the continue version of the trip in pusat sains negara!!!

hey,me n wen qi.... haha!!!matthew-the pinang boy***sorry 4 standing too close...sumone ask 2 do so!!! 4 copies of the statue..... ahh~~~spider web... soo yin...let's dun care bout li yen n toto tht still hiaoing....look there!!!

li yen i love u....toto!!!i love u tooooo..muak~ i love dis pic so much!!!!me n yi ting* omg...full of sam pat-ness dis too........ put out ur tougue...blek=p
our lunch!!!is free-of-charge too toto n wen qi in the cave me n the ganas toto in the cave too haha!!!toto say why dis d*** look so sharp de...
all blue..except yi ting wit her pink jacket!!!turn turn n turn.... 1 2 345....toto is keeping fit although she is slim enuff...=pli yen li yen...i love li yen lala poses.......explanation...look down!!!
souvenier in lab in the DNA of onion
structure of DNA...look like love** love***excuse me,it is not sweet or mentos k?!!!?? pei yi doin the structure thingy cik rozihan!!!my moral teacher...
experiment...i love it so much....
dat is ME***!!!
i hope i can go there is so damn fan!!!!picture taking all the way!!!haha....until phone oso no batery edi...haha!!!=p but i like it a lot

Friday, July 11, 2008

the day when we go to pusat sains negara....=p

our breakfast is bout 10...char kuey delicious la!!!!=p OMG...can u see many ankle socks n without socks too....pegawas,can i have a pengawas here pls.... it is a piano...fountain piano....can evryone juz ciao n let aaron soh show his PRO'' scales....???

yi ting(right) wen qi(left)...LALA pose...AHh~~~~~ is it a sheep or a lamb????how to differenteciate???? saw an ostrich in the pusat sains negara...weird** *ooh~wa ohh~wa*goose sound... can u juz keep ur mouth shut????damn noisy lah... hey yi ting....wit a dirty pool behind!!!!do some pose la..y so straight de??!!!=p
yishhh...LALA poses again...
hui min n the very good rabbit.....*say cheeeeessssss* *stop looking at me like dat...i hate it!!!!*angry look.... welcome to rabbit land.... roe en wit a noti rabit dat scrathes ganas!!!
dat's me(left)n li yen (right).....1st station in pusat sains lol... so damn kesian la...a small chick is gonna be eaten by a snake....sobT.T **i love honey...** damn hiao ryte???jing yi-ishh...
look at this...look like branch ryte???? an insect u noe??? Stick insect.... yi ting n wen qi ...did u realise dat's a bug beside yi ting????haha
li yen...i love li yen!!! wen qi n MY li yen is taking pic.... siting on a wooden mah!!!a lot of mosquito la... there a roket in the sky???? cheh...aeroplane only mah!!!! lat's habe a big smile.....=p my face look so weird...ah~~~ jeffrey n his buddy...matthew!!! stop taking pic of me la.....stop!!!
this is wat we did in the morning of the trip.....taking pic all the way only!!!!!haha...
will continued the next destination to u all soon....*this trip is 4 free....everything is free*